Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jackie Boy Sings The Blues

was the deadline that i've been stressing out about since march.
i've never worked this hard on a film before.
i've been doing this over the time period of 2 (going into 3) quarters of school.

the process was long and crazy and amazing. there were times in the middle of it that i panicked because i honestly had the thought "THIS is the career field i'm getting int? i can't do this for the rest of my life!"

but once all is said and done...once the waves of stress subside...it was amazing.
i've only been finished for about 1 day now and already i'm remembering it being a lot easier than i know it was. funny how memory works like that right? it likes to put a positive spin on things otherwise we'd probably never do anything more than once.

anyways, the 07-12-10 (yesterday) deadline was to be entered into the Art Institute section of the International Sacramento Film and Music Festival happening at the end this month. Several films are all being screened this weekend by judges i have never met and are not affiliated with the school (except for the fact that they're judges)

if mine is selected (that doesn't mean it wins) but it screens in downtown Sacramento at the Crest Theater on July 30th 6-9pm.
Ah! It sounds amazing. Seeing my work on a giant huge screen! and open to the public! it's the kind of absolutely terrifying I haven't felt since I was on stage.

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