They say sleep is essential for survival. Well. I've gone five days without drinking any water. What now?
Honestly, though, I am so tired. Last night was supposed to be my "be in home bed early" night-as decided so by myself. I was really looking forward to it. I haven't slept long enough to establish a dream since I don't remember. I have been awake for 125 of the last 144 hours. That's 13% of my last 6 days reserved for sleep which equates to about an average of 3 hours per night this week.
Last Wednesday I did not sleep at all! ever! and somehow i made it in time to clock if for work at 8am on Thursday and then I worked. I took no lunch breaks. I had no ten minute breaks. and i went to my multiple jobs and didn't "clock-off" until 10:20pm.
i subsequently feel hung over all the time even though I haven't been drinking (but this is most likely due to the lack of water). but i show up to work, i do a great fucking job, and i don't bitch. (is this bitching?) but it sucks.
I have various reasons for depriving sleep: The fact that I work 4 jobs and can only do my homework at night, having to commute to go to school, savings friends who are stranded in the Bay Area and need rides back to Sac, going to shows, visiting brothers whom i never see that are briefly home from rehab, conversing all night with fascinating boys, girlfriends having emotional breakdowns at 3am, and of course, my love of being manipulated into doing things I don't genuinely want to do. FYI-that is NOT directed at last night. I had fun on our adventure of rescuing natalie.
I'm actually daydreaming about sleeping. Right Now. I can't stop fantasizing. Clean bedsheets, mmm... Giant, smothering, silk blankets overfilling with goose feathers for me to swim in! My squishy, "thin-as-air" pillow will be strategically placed above my firm "foundation" pillow.
I'm carefully planning out exactly which PJs will be most enjoyable. Flannel and cuddley? Silky and smooth? Sweats? Socks? All out in the nude and raw? I will leave the window open slightly so there is a breeze in my room. I will probably play a rhythmic pinback CD that rocks me to slumber, or Harry Potter Books on Audio. Yes, that's a great idea...
I will make myself tea! Though I'll be so tired I will fall asleep before I drink it and it will set next to my bed getting cold. I wonder if i'm awake enough to get something delicious to eat in bed. Something really hot that will fill my belly and make my eyes heavy. Soup? Curry? Chow Mein? But also something that tastes awesome cold so I can pass out in bed, wake up and start eating again without getting up.
pizza....I can't wait.
I have never been so excited.
This is going to be the Ultimate Sleep.