Friday, October 24, 2008

Exclusive Roommate Application

here's the deal. applying to be my roommate is a long and intricate process, however as long as you're patient and honest it will be as pleasantly satisfying as a refreshing hair cut. You may respond via: comment or through email for privacy. The winner will receive a free television upon move-in date as well as a rented u-haul-already paid for.
The application is split into necessary categories of rating, fill in the blanks, and simple Q&A.
Best of luck!

Basic Info
Name (nicknames encouraged):
Birthday (capricorns and sagittarius apply at own risk):
Affordable Rent Range:
Pets: Names of Pets:
Play any musical instruments? (drummers need not apply)
Willing to share a bedroom?

How frequently do you? 1-never 2-sometimes 3-always
Date a new person? Host loud parties?

Get sad? get angry?
Switch jobs? Want to stay in you room-uninterrupted?
Read books? Play video games?
Play WOW? Attend Church?
Sing in the shower? Take bubble baths?
become irritable? Compliment People?
Get stoned? Cook your own meals?
Smoke Cigarettes? Black out from drinking?
Lock your front door? Clean?
Walk around naked? Sleep naked?
Condone sex is communal places? Pay rent late?
Have to smell mold before you remember to do the dishes?

You just received one of your favorite movies! How many times is it acceptable to watch it in a row?

How many times a month do you watch your favorite movie?

Give me one good reason why your music collection is better than mine?

Top 5 things that you must have at any given point in time in your house:

What was your favorite and also least favorite quality about your last roommate?

Do you fall asleep easily to background noise/music or complete silence?

Describe your taste of member of the opposite sex?
(sorry,not for me. but most often the catch with the most amazing roommates comes with having to spend lots of time around their less amazing counterparts.)

Fill in the Blank-Fun with numbers
-also some good PIN ideas

4, 8, 15, 16, ___, 42


3.14 __ 59259


"write me, stick stickley, po box __ __ __"

2. __ 18

Yes, this is still part of the application.
You must end with one verse or sentence of song lyrics that best describe you...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dearest Baffled Babe-

Oh Babe,
You've been known to get yourself into a tricky situation or two, however I'm very glad you came to me when you did. -This is obviously a very serious condition bordering the "good blog gone bad" scenerio. Fear not, I see tremendous "fix" potential in your situation. However, before I get to turning miracles upon your blog a much more pressing issue must be addressed. Yes, you've guess it, that of your spirit, and optimism. Oh fellow blogger, you must never lose faith in that which you blog. That's MAINTAINING A SUCCESSFUL BLOG RULE #3, second only to...

  1. Update Frequently!
  2. Be Interactive!

~mail a $5 check to 211 n. church st grass valley, ca in order to receive a complete updated version of the MAINTAINING A SUCCESSFUL BLOG list of RULES~

You can't end your fight against gay stereotyping! If you don't fight for sexual(homo or otherwise) freedom of footware then who will!?

Of course there is hope left to be had.

Check out this guy--->

He's TOTALLY gay. I say that not because of the ballerina dress he's wearing (because that would be a stereotype) but because I got this picture off of a gay website.
Notice this guy's shoes. They are SUPER straight. Now how about that?

Don't you see, Babe? There is a big giant world of misconception and false representation just waiting for you to come and distort to your advantage!

Have you ever seen the movie Zardoz? -Starring Sean Connery. We all know Sean Connery is married to a woman. (Due in large part to the claims that he beats his wife). However, scan


image and tell me what stereotype that is.

Those boots look pretty "questionable" to me.

Maybe blame your models? Are you posting pictures of men that in fact, support the stereotype?

~Note to other reads~

Just don't give up hope, Babe.
Don't give up hope.

~Please grant yourself a moment of dramatizd silence upon completion of reading this blog to allow the full affect to sink in.~

Dear Prudence,
I am in need of advice. I've been posting a weekly poll where I show a picture of mens shoes and ask people to vote on whether they think, based on the shoes, if the man is gay or not gay.Here's the problem, so far the poll results have been 100% right. I started this poll to throw spit wads in the face of knee-jerk stereotyping and have found myself validating it. Should I continue with the blogs or accept that prejudging (prejudice) is sometimes on target?


Baffled Babe

Friday, October 10, 2008

Free Advice

The reason for the excess in postings today is two-fold.

  1. Nick was giving me shit for starting a blog and then not posting entries. well, now i'm posting every 10 minutes! take that nick. take my vengeful wrath! this will teach you to bitch at me. this will teach you to be careful what you wish for, lest i post Internet blogs at you! although, unfortunately enough for everyone else Nick gets to up my posting production with his sarcastic criticism, but is not one of the lovely people that actually gets emailed my blog every time i post. oh well. it's not like everyone reads 100% of their email anyways.

  2. i drank an excessive amount of caffeine this morning and work is boring.

Now to my point...

The whole reason I named my blog DEAD...soandsoandso...was because i want to start an advice column. so will someone (anyone) PLEASE just send me some troubling predicament for which I may counsel?


what i really need's a good fixin'
doorknobs, pins, and needles
better button myself up
so no one sees inside
but you already know
you've known all along
you're in me
you vomited everything into me
that night we met
who knew i could run so long on empty?
don't feel sorry for me
they told you, silly boy
i'll rip your fucking heart out
then feed on it
like you wanted me to
because i needed the love so bad
don't feel bad for me
don't feel bad for you
it takes two to tango
and there were two of you
and there were two of me
and the four of us we had so much fun
making everything but love
they're dead now
now just you
now just me
did the better pair win?
askin' too many questions
love me.
hate me.
you're too smart for that
always developin' faster
but you're still comin' out all blurry
someday it will come out right.right?right.write.
but can you really leave me now?
i'm just so thirsty...
and i think you might have some soul left.

More than an idea?

What? Really? Well, if I thought any of this would actually happen I probably would have thought up a better idea!
So! My first blog spoke not only of infinite wisdom, but of changed (which I would explain later).
Well, I believe now if the time to indulge...
It all started when I got accepted into Art School. ...Something that slapped in my face quite harshly. First of all, the only school I was ever "accepted" into was community college and that ceased to tap my true potential. For this reason I pushed my school "priorities" aside and dormantly lay hidden, disgusted as your average, apathetic 2.0 student. As much fun as that was (and it really was fun) the time has come to transfer (dun, dun, dun) to an upper level school. This means: new school, new house to live in, new town to live in, new friends to meet, new jobs to work at, new enemies to make. Now, for a small town girl that can be quite terrifying! I mean not all small town girls live in lonely worlds, if you know what i mean--contrary to my good friend Bill.
Currently, I live in a cute, however small, Victorian house with seven friendly housemates, one awesome roommate, and a loving boyfriend of over 2 years. So the idea of living/schooling/working/eating/even sleeping alone is quite depressing. There are more things than being socially and utterly independent that shake my nerves up a bit, but yes...So when i say "until everything changes," I really mean everything. I'm sure several of my peers have already gone through this, but sympathize with me here.

I must make a To-Do List

  • New Job (Easier said than done)
  • New Apartment (down payment, credit report application, possible cosigner needed?)
  • Car (Need to pay down payment to refinance my car before I'm a poor college student)
  • School (pay registration, enrollment, pick classes, buy supplies, buy books........)
  • Student Loans (must get accepted!)
  • New bank account (to manage financial aid money and keep it separate from my own dwindling electronic pocket book of pennies)
  • Find roommate to take my place in my current house (takers?)
  • By-the by....anyone want to live with me in Sac? (cj? Angela next year?)
  • get proper closure from grass valley (so i don't create unhealthy psychological social habits)
  • have an awesome going away party (which will be on New Years Eve)

New Years appropriate. This will be hard. I am deeply in love with my life in Grass Valley and all the people here. Well, we still have 82 Days 13 Hours and 26 Minutes together.

  • wish me luck

Monday, October 6, 2008

tremendous research has led me to believe

so, i'm pretty sure
within everyone's community
the ratios go as follows:

for every 1 person that likes you
1 person does not like you
2 people go back and fourth over time
and 5 people don't care