Wednesday, September 17, 2008

you naked? or them naked?

Which one is more embarrasssing for you?
Apparently, neither for all the ladies at my gym.
They all walk around naked in the ladies locker room.
-Which I might add is quite spacious and is more of a "hang out" than a dressing room. Which is the
whole reason I joined...the lady's hottub, sauna, in fact I barely even workout.

This is such a normal thing. Right? Why am I bothered? It's funny because the younger girls will walk around in bras and panties, something I'm very comfortable around. However, it's the elderly that really put their junk on display.

It's distracting. I go in and change and see them all. and then it's stuck in my head. i see them working out....

moving on.

so everyone walks around naked in the locker room. whatev. it's a lock room. eh?
however, that doesn't mean i have to be naked, as well.

well i think the little old ladies think i'm insecure. What with my towel wrapped around me at all possible opportunities of display. who knows? maybe my clothes makes them feel uncomfortable. it's like there's wrinkled all over the place, but one towel and everyone stares.

i think they even pity me, because lately they've begun complimenting me, and my tight skin-ed self.

alas, i've endured worse from life.
i must push through!
i must keep going to my gym!
i must learn to be naked!
i must work worth out!

you all just wait and see!
i will work hard and look like this soon.


Today I work I was given a client's name and phone number and told to retreive his address. Of course I could have checked a phone book or even just called the phone number and asked the client himself. However, given the generation I'm being raised in, I simply used google.

It's fast, and diminishes any chances at social interaction or paper cuts.

Just for kicks, I googled his phone number, not his name. I was so surprised at the info that came up just googling a simple phone number.

Naturally, I then googled my own.

(FYI-after several minutes of recent phone number googling experience I learned that searches are significantly more successful with landlines verses cellular)

do you know what popped up when I entered my landline?

myspace messages between myself and two of my fellow myspace friends. (namely Dante Wadley and Nicholas Doliber)


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

rachz tees, yo

For Starters!

I sincerely aplogize for those of you whom have already received emails of these pictures,
(especially conisdering the fact that you have no choice whatsoever in receiving them.)
but you couldn't possibly want me to not share my silly little chuckles with the rest of the world!
so these are the tshirt designs i made (while at work) today (yesterday).

<--THIS one is my favorite. I would wear them everyday.
Just you wait.
Yesterday's Idea
Today's Joke
Tomorrow's Shirt

crap! i'm off work!

who IS that in the mirror?

does everyone else perfectly identify with their bodies? -not even perfectly. how about just majority of the time? am i weird?

i look in the mirror and my immediate reaction is always, "shit! THAT's me?"

it's kinda like when you hear yourself on a video camera or possibly someone else's answering machine for the first time in a while and realize, "oh. that's how i sound? that's not how i hear myself in my head."

well the body i have is not the body i think i have in my head.

-and it's incredibly disappointing.

what's the difference? a goodie bag of scars, bruises, hair, lack of hair, clusters of freckles, and an overall convex figure verses my concave expectations.

my perception of myself is tall. yes, very tall.

-with hair twice as long

-freckles on my nose

-tiny, tiny breasts

-unusually large feet

-and much bigger lips

then i look in the mirror! wow! step back. (at least my feet aren't that huge)

in all seriousness-even my facial expressions i don't relate to.

don't get what i mean? it's that moment we've all had when you're skimming through the pictures your friend sent you of that party a few weekends ago, and realize you're not as hot as you think you are when you're drunk. You think, "ew.-and i thought i was making seductive face."

yeah! it's THAT feeling, but all the time.

does anyone else ever feel this way?

it's as if i've just switched bodies with some foreign pod of skin and organs. can't i just switch bodies again, with someone else? -i wonder.

who would i switch with? hmm...

you know, with my luck, if i ever did get the power to switch bodies with someone i probably wouldn't be able to chose the body. i could just keep switching until i got it right.

i would need to figure out some form of idenitty verification with my friends. that way if they're approached by an unfamiliar person, with a more familiar code word-they'd know what's up!

what if i switched places with an old lady? my friend would probably think that was rad.

what about a ten year old girl? if i switched with a ten year old girl what would my boyfriend think?

would he rather kiss my old body? -knowing it's ten year old.

or would he kiss me? -in a little girl body.


i will make this a movie.

106 days 14 hours left to
puke-pull-pluck-workout-tan-hydrate-diet-stretch&soften to
have my new body for my new life

Friday, September 12, 2008

until i run away

relationships are hard.
i'm really bad at relationships.
FAMILY ones.
romantic ones.
work-realted ones.
physical ones.
i'm doing farely well with the friendship ones.
however, recently i find myself missing a best friend.
i tell myself.rachel.
the best thing you ever did
was teach yourself
how to "get over it."
i'm a fuckin' pro.

110 Days 9 Hours
'til I run away from all of them (((again)))

110 Days 12 Hours Left

110 Days 12 Hours Left of this life.

this is the beginning of my blog. i'm going for interesting, entertaining, and new! to tell you the truth, however, it will mostly likely be a composition of rambling contents, run on sentences, and the occassion female bitching over rediculously mediocre "supposed" tragedies.

something you might need to know about me: i get spontaneous ideas that i immediately dedicate myself to, followed by an insulting lack of consistency.
something you might need to know about me: i will be doing weird, "by the by" remarks as such... i will be idenitfying things "you might need to know" until we get to know eachother a little better...this is my most recent spontaneous idea. (from the point forward known as S.I.)

another very recent S.I. of mine had been the decision to change. (rather the accpetion of change)
I'm beginning a countdown from the rest of my current life to the start of my new life, which starts JANUARY 1ST 2009.
Jan. 1st. everything will change-but we'll get into that later.

My entire life I've always hated, and been incredibly pained by change, alas I've never been able to "prepare" for said change...until now.
I know it's coming! My mission is to prepare for it! Be ready for it so I don't get held back! Get closure from all my relationships! Sum up this chapter!
Here we go.